Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3/5/14 Swimming

I am a swimmer. Albeit, not a very good one, but good enough to be on my schools swim team. In an effort to start caring about something again, I rejoined the team. And to be completely honest, it has helped a lot. I have something I need to do everyday. Something to look forward to. While the work outs may be tough (we warmed up with a 250 freestyle and 400 kick the other day) it's distracting. School can be tough and very very awful sometimes. But to have something, like a sport to look forward to each day, well that's nice.
Practice, at least right now, starts at 6 o'clock. So it's dark out. And you wouldn't think that'd be a good thing. But then when you're swimming along relatively peacefully, doing a backstroke and you look up and see the stars, well I suppose I could say it's magical. Dark blue black sky and these tiny little pin points like someone took the world and covered it in construction paper then poked it with a pin a few times. I just made beauty sound like a failed art project, oops. But anyway, just know that the sky looked awesome.
And that's not all. Two days ago it was raining and it was very cold outside. (Cold as in I think between fifty and sixty degrees with wind in a bathing suit). We were standing waiting to practice diving and there was all this steam rising out of the water, and I don't know why, but I thought it was the coolest looking thing. It was trippy because everyone's faces were getting fuzzy and I already didn't have glasses on so it wasn't working out trying to see everyone.
I don't know, I suppose the point of saying all this is that in every big thing, like swimming, there is even smaller things that make it even better. If you paint, there's the actual painting of the picture that's awesome. Then there is the mixing of colors and seeing an image come out of a blob. Or if you run. There's the cheering of the crowd, the rushing of the ground, the speed of your legs. If you sit on tumblr, there is the laughter of the comic posts, the sadness of the depression posts, the mushy love-ness of the shipping posts, the list goes on and on. Everything has smaller parts that make it up, and each of those parts are also worth caring for. Hell, I would go as far to say that those little moments are what makes the big moments even better. With a little bit of paying attention, who knows what you'll notice is beautiful in this world. I'm sure you'll find something.
With love, life, and laughter,

Brina :)

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